IVR phone prompt messages and ON HOLD
I’m Lorraine Ansell, a UK based voiceover artist working in both Spanish LAS and also British English and I have worked with global clients for their on hold needs. On hold requires a warm, welcoming voice that takes pride in annoucing the company when you pick up the phone. For companies it is essential that their brand shines through at every stage and the phone is part of that brand strategy.
I have voiced for Beverly Hills Boutiques, countless Lawyers Offices from Florida to London and many restaurants around the world. Every time you want to book a table, my voice will let you know your options. Over the years I have collaborated with clients to ensure that clients hear my bright, engaging voice when they dial your number.
I love to talk and speaking is a skill, talent and passion for me. I pride myself on being a warm, welcoming friendly engaging voice. On hold and IVR work is very satisfying as I know that this is your clients first port of call and by hearing my voice, they will feel a sense of engagement and connection.
As part of an umbrella branding process be sure that whenever a client calls you, they and you will be confident in a professional audio product. I have many On hold and telephonic clients that rely on their brand being voiced by my British and Spanish voices. I always wonder how many people hear my voice when they call a company.